Merriewold Harmony & Kandie come to CA

Harmony and Kandie arrived in California a few weeks ago and have settled in nicely.  Their stories are very different, Kandie is a yearling and Harmony is four, but on the trip out to CA they forged a bond and enjoy being together.

We were so happy to see  Merriewold Harmony (Beethoven x UVM Rarity)  She has grown, matured and turned into a gorgeous Morgan mare.  Harmony was born and spent her first two and a half years at Saralin in Kentucky with Sally Longenecker.  She then went to spend a year with Luman Wadhams in Vermont to get started under saddle and driving.  Jackie Brittain will now take over her training and the direction of her show career.
harmony-3-09-thumb     harmony-comes-home

Merriewold Kandie(Rosevale Leggo x Majesty My Fair Lady) also surprised us.  She has turned out to be not only pretty and sweet, but also very ‘fancy’.  She has a refined neck and shoulder and a long, airy, ground covering stride.  Kandie was a late filly and so we decided to keep her at Saralin, where she was born, over the winter and ship her to CA in the spring.  It just happened to work out nicely to have the two girls come together.
kandie-head shot      kandie-stands

read more about Merriewold Harmony
read more about Merriewold Kandie


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