Weaning is a happy, sad and stressful time for everyone.  Happy for us because we know the babies are growing up and are strong and healthy.  Sad, because the mare and foal bond is a deep and beautiful connection that has to be separated  This year we had only one baby so Sierra had to go it alone.  But she has her friends, Tessa and Quito in the next pasture.  Pocket went to Polly Rich for a preg check, and to chill out for a few weeks.  Photos are from the day of, and two days later.  Sierra did really well and has settled into her new situation.  She comes in and is groomed and goes out on her own with good manners.  She is a big girl now!
To see all of Merriewold Sierra’s Photos and her Information page CLICK HEREÂ Â (click on Foals then Sierra)