Category Archives: Horse News

Kandie, year end USEF surprise!

Merriewold Kandie ended 2014 with a wonderful surprise from the USEF,  she and Forest Nealon were ranked 6th NATIONALLY and were the region 8 CHAMPIONS in Morgan Pleasure Driving, Open.

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For more information on Merriewold Kandie you can visit her Feature and Pedigree Page…..CLICK HERE


2015 Breeding Up-Date

Our beautiful and athletic  mare, Pocket (Canequin Reach for the Stars) has checked 20 days in foal to Rosevale Leggo.

Canequin Reach for the Stars          Leggo and Bill Broe

Pocket has already given us 2 extraordinary foals by Dragonfire Kirin,  They are now turning one year old,  Quito and Quintessa (Tessa).

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We are also breeding Heartsong (Scandia’s Heartsong) to Leggo.

For more information on our mares and foals please visit the Merriewold Website….CLICK HERE 

