Category Archives: Horse News

Thank you Meg! You made my day!!!

The absolute best news for a breeder is to hear from a purchaser who  is happy and enjoying their horse.  Meg  took home Harmony several years ago and renamed her Hanali.   We have heard from her before but these photos and her note just made my day!!!
Thank you Meg for letting us know how much you love Hanali!

HanaliHarmony, Meg Paris edit

HarmonyHanali, Meg Paris edit

I love her sooo much, and she is admired everywhere she goes for her beauty and brains. She has an excellent work ethic, is sensible, willing, and learns very quickly. Once she has it down, however, she is quite willing to correct you when you are not quite up to her standards!  😉 Aren’t you pleased she hasn’t turned into a tubby girl? She has got to be one of the world’s easiest keepers!
Everywhere I go, I tout Morgans in general and Merriewold in particular, and she is a wonderful poster child for your enterprise. Thank you again so much for letting me take her home. She is happy, and every trainer has said how much she obviously likes me. We are bonded.
Have a great 2015, and best of luck with your new babies to be.

Click here… to visit Merriewold harmony’s Feature Page and Photo Album



Road Trip to see Lucky and Kat

Last week Jackie and I drove up to Aptos, CA to visit Lucky Star and his trainer, Kat Trueblood.  We took some photos with all his awards from last year including: USDF Regional All Breeds Champion, and Morgan Dressage Association Champion award and certificate.



Half Moon Bay

To See all the photos of Lucky and Kat and our fun adventure, go to Lucky’s photo/video album…CLICK HERE




Breeding choice made for 2016 foals

Super excited to announce we will be breeding both our mares to Rosevale Leggo for 2016 foals.  Leggo is a 16 hand driving and dressage Morgan stallion and the grandson of the fabulous Immortal Command.

Leggo extended trot   Leggo and Bill Broe

leggo Nov-3-2010   Leggo and Diana orig 3 (trimmed) 0 00 48-11 edit

Scandias Heartsong comes to CA   Canequin Reach for the Stars

To go to Scandias Heartsong’s pedigree and feature here

To go to Canequin Reach for the Stars‘ pedigree and feature page…click here


Lucky and Kirin, MDA Winners!

The Morgan Dressage Association has announced the results of the year-end, Awards of Excellence.  In 2014 two Merriewold Morgans earned awards:
Kirin was Reserve Champion at Second Level and
Lucky was Champion at Training Level



Congratulations and many thanks to their riders/trainers:
Alejandro Salazar and Kat Trueblood

For more information, photos and video of Lucky…CLICK HERE

For more information, photos and video of Kirin...CLICK HERE
