Category Archives: Horse News

Kirin and Legacy last Show of 2014

Legacy and Kirin have had a successful year with trainer Alejandro Salazar.  Kirin showed at Second level and Legacy at First.      We are super proud of these two and we’re excited to have horses that will be competing at 2nd and 3rd levels next year!

SVE II, Kirin trot, Nov 8

SVE II, Nov 8, 2014, Legacy 1st level canter

Some of the Judge’s comments from the Starr Vaughn II show:
Merriewold Kirin:
2nd level test 2…Balanced and Rhythmic.  Good Effort overall, 66%
2nd level test 3…Impressive to see such solid improvement, 68%Merriewold Legacy:
1st level test 2…Well done, overall steady and rhythmic, 69%
1st level test 3…(8.0 on one loop canter)  Well balanced, 68%

To see Kirin’s Pedigree page and Photo/Video album…Click Here

To see Legacy’s Pedigree page and Photo/Video Album…Click Here


Merrie Christmas!

We would like to wish all our friends Horsey and otherwise
a very  Happy Holiday Season, Merrie Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Merry Christmas

From Quito, Quintessa, all the MWM Morgans, Jackie, Juan and Family and Diana and Family!!!!


Quito and Tessa weaning day

Last week we took the surrogate mare Daisy back to her owner and weaned Tessa and Quito.  Up until this point the foals were raised apart as the Mares did not get along.  So now they are together for the first time.
Ouito and Tessa weaning day 1

Quito and Tessa weaning day 4

Quito and Tessa weaning day 5

To see more photos of Merriewold Quintessa please CLICK HERE
To go to Tessa’s Pedigree page page…CLICK HERE

To see more photos of Merriewold Quito please CLICK HERE
To go to Quito’s Pedigree page…CLICK HERE



Merriewold Ima Lucky Star and Kat Trueblood are the:
 2014 USDF All Breeds Champions at Training Level Open!
Kat Trueblood & Merriewold IMA Lucky Star

Adequan®/USDF All-Breed Final Awards Standings

Orgs:  .American Morgan Horse Association
Award Names:  Open
Levels:  Training Level

Rank Horse Median Rider Share
1 Merriewold Ima Lucky Star 69.542 Kat Trueblood Share Page

We are so proud of Lucky and Kat!!!

To see Lucky’s feature page, pedigree and photo/video album
