Category Archives: Horse News

2014 MWM International Photo Contest Now Closed

THANK YOU to the Photographers of the 164 photos entered in the Merriewold Morgans 2014 International Morgan Horse Photo Contest!  This is a record and nearly double last years number of entries.  We received photos from 6 countries including:  Germany, Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.  The US was represented by a whooping 31 states!

Last entry in the contest!
Now our 2 judges will start the difficult job of selecting the winners.
The finalists will be announced in the Merriewold Fall Newsletter which is published in  October.  The winners will also be notified by email, plus there will be a post on the MWM website and on Face Book.

GOOD LUCK to All!!!

To view the photos in the 2014 Contest…CLICK HERE


Meeting Heartsong

The best thing about returning to CA was meeting Heartsong. 
She is the Morgan Mare we have been looking for;  Solid feminine build, willing disposition, undeniably Morgan, gorgeous head, and amazing Scandia pedigree.  Once again, thank you Kathy DeFazio for sharing this wonderful mare with us!

We love our new Mare, Heartsong

Scandias Heartsong head shot

For all Heartsong’s photos….CLICK HERE

To view Scandias Heartsong’s pedigree page…CLICK HERE


