Category Archives: Horse News

Foals up-date

When I arrived back in CA the big surprise was Tessa and her new color!  Quita is also growing and changing.  Here are 2 photos:



For more photos of our 2,  2014 foals please visit their photo albums
                                                          CLICK HERE


2 weeks to go, in the 2014 International Morgan Horse Photo Contest!

We have received an incredible 98 photos from 6 Countries! 

THANK YOU to everyone who has entered  photos of their wonderful horses in this contest.  I am so inspired by the beauty and creativity of the photos and the lovely Morgans that are the subjects.
Valiant Run

It’s not too late to enter a photo of your Morgan Horse!
For all the information and Rules…CLICK HERE
To see all the photos entered so far…CLICK HERE


Heartsong arrives in CA

Scandias Heartsong is now at Merriewold and is settling in well.  Aside from the fact that we have no green grass…we think she will enjoy the climate, the other Morgans and her new status as broodmare.
heart arrival2edit

Jackie says…Heart is not only beautiful but a real pleasure to be around!
We have created a feature page for Heartsong, please…CLICK HERE

She also has her own photo album…CLICK HERE
