Category Archives: Horse News

My Favorite Photos from the 2010 Photo Contest

I started the annual Morgan Photo contest because of my passion for taking photos of my Morgans.   And I wanted to  have a place where  Morgan owners and photographers could connect and see each other’s work.  I have really enjoyed seeing all the amazing photos of our wonderful Morgans!  The judges do a great job every year and I love their picks….BUT I have some favorites of my own!  So here are a few of the photos I thought were standouts from the 2010 contest. (None of these were selected by the judges)

In Sync.php
In Sync
Sue Martin

Struttin My Stuff.php
Struttin My Stuff
Anne Wyland

Sylvi Linnaeus

Sunset at Hedden Spring.php
Sunset at Hedden Spring
Kathy Conway

To see all the amazing photos from the last three years of the MWM  Morgan horse contest,

The 2013 Morgan Horse Photo contest is under way!
For more information and entry details…


Good Luck Kandie!

Merriewold Kandie left home yesterday on a van headed North to Oregon.
She will be in training with Forest Nealon at Illahee.

Merriewold Kandie 4-2013

Merriewold Kandie, 4-2013


Kandie and Majesty My Fair Lady     Last ride     Sisters, Kandie and Gaysha

Majesty and Kandie,      Jackie’s Last ride,      Sisters: Gaysha and Kandie

Jackie had her last ride and I had a last photo shoot and Kandie was groomed to perfection for the trip.  Kandie is by the Dressage and Driving stallion Rosevale Leggo and she  is the last foal out of our wonderful mare, Majesty My Fair Lady so we know she is special!  Please stay tuned for Kandie, the Pleasure Driving Mare!

To see more photos of Kandie and look at her pedigree


Kona, 5 year old mare, a natural jumper.

Several months ago Kona had an ‘awakening’ and decided she wanted to do more energetic work.
We are thrilled with the new Kona!

Kona Jumping


IMG_5524 edit2

 Here is what Kona’s Trainer Carol Friend has to say:
Kona is a pleasure to work with.  She has three good gaits and a rhythmic balanced canter.  She is willing, honest, learns fast and try’s hard.   She enjoys jumping and has a desire to jump clean.  She is also working at Training level dressage.    

We are also taking Kona out on trail rides and she is doing great!
Merriewold Kona now is available for purchase
to go to the Sales page

To see Kona’s Feature Page and Photo/Video Album

Contact Us…for more information on Merriewold Kona!



Great photos from previous MWM Photo Contests!

Here are a few photos that I thought were really wonderful!  They all earned Honorable Mention!
Hope you enjoy…

If you would to see all the photos from each year…CLICK HERE…to go to the Contest Photo Album

Blitz 2011 Foal.php

 Blitz 2011 Foal,  Amanda Krall,  2011 Honorable Mention

First Kiss.php

First Kiss,  Roxane Key,  2010 Honorable Mention

The Expressive Morgan Eye.php

The Expressive Morgan Eye,  Zoe Ovenden, 2012 Honorable Mention


Soluppgang,  Lasse Hallstrom,  2010 Honorable Mention

Gracie Statue.php

Gracie Statue,  Diana Jasica,  2012 Honorable Mention


Kids,  Jennifer McFall,  2011 Honorable Mention

To enter your photos in our 2013 Morgan Horse Photo contest
