Category Archives: Horse News

Weaning Day for Obi and Dina

Weaning is a happy/sad day in the life of a foal.  Happy, because it is the logical next step in the life of a maturing foal but sad, as the babies don’t want the Mommies to leave.  It is always so much easier when you have at least two foals so they have a friend.  Here is a photo memory of the day… (click to enlarge the photos)




For more information and photos of Obi…click here

For more information and photos of Dina…click here




New video and Photos of Kasey at the Morgan Medallion

Merriewold Kasey (RG Stuart’s Monarch x Caduceus Marika)  had a great show in Santa Barbara.

In Dressage he got upper sixties at Training 3 and First Level 1.  In jumping he went in three classes and he also competed in Hunter Pleasure…..All of which earned him the “Sport Horse Champion”  Award!

Way to Go Earl McFall and Kasey!!!!!

click here…. to see the video of Kasey’s T3 dressage test.
click here…to go to Kasey’s Photo Album


Photos and Video of Merriewold Jolie at the Morgan Medallion

We are excited to announce that Jolie and Pam Meyer are having a very successful show season.
The competition in Dressage was light at the Santa Barbara show, but  Jolie earned great scores
and ended up winning the Dressage High Point Award!
Congratulations Pam and Jolie!

Click here…to see the video of Jolie’s Training 2 test.

Click here…to go to Jolie’s feature page and Pedigree

Jolie is available for purchase….go to the sales page.

