All posts by Diana

New photos of Kandie and Latte

Kandie and Latte are pasture mates over at Rancho Arroyo Grande.  They are the last to be groomed and usually call to us impatiently while they wait their turn.  They love the attention and the carrots they get afterwords.

Merriewold Kandie is a two year old by Rosevale Leggo and out of our super mare Majesty My Fair Lady.
Merriewold Latte is a yearling by Gulfwind Sir William and out of World Champion Caduceus Marika.

Click on the highlighted names for more information on these fillies and their dams.


Merriewold Ima Lucky Star

Jackie has been doing ground work with our coming 4 year old Lucky Star for a few months now.   Just recently she began his ground driving training and she is very pleased with his progress.  His gaits are  long and elastic and he naturally rounds and uses his back.  He is also attentive and eager to please.  Because Lucky is still growing and is so tall,  Jackie is taking it slowly and confirming all the basics while they develope a  good working relationship.
For more information and photos of Lucky, go to his Pedigree page…CLICK HERE
