These are the two ads that appeared in the Grand National Edition of the
Morgan Connection magazine
Both of these outstanding sport horse prospects are available
for purchase.
CLICK HERE to go to the sales page
These are the two ads that appeared in the Grand National Edition of the
Morgan Connection magazine
Both of these outstanding sport horse prospects are available
for purchase.
CLICK HERE to go to the sales page
We had such a good time at the Open Barn Party
Please click link below to go to the album of photos and video of the day.
There is a video of all the different events and a separate video of the Musical freestyle.
We are extremely pleased to announce that two Merriewold Morgans are in the new
“Magnificent Horse” 2010 equestrian wall calendar.
Continue reading Merriewold Morgans in “Magnificent Horse” Calendar
Dragonfire Morgans, Jennifer and Earl McFall had great successes at the Morgan Medallion show.
Here is the ad In The Morgan Horse of Merriewold Galaxie and her Medallion wins.
Galaxie is available for purchase
click here to go to the sales page
go to Gal’s pedigree page and photo album