2014 Brown Gelding (Dragonfire Kirin x Canequin Reach for the Stars)Â
Quito is turning three years old in 2017 and is a superior sport and pleasure horse prospect. He is extremely handsome with large intelligent eyes, personality plus and is lots of fun to work with. Quito is now doing groundwork and lunging in preparation for starting under saddle in 2017Â
His pedigree is the product of two established Morgan Sport horse breeding programs.   Â
Here’s what trainer Jackie Brittain says,  Quito is very intelligent and has the energy to get to work at the discipline of your choice.  Beautiful, expressive eyes with personality and presence.  He is going to be a super fun project!
Visit Quito’s Pedigree Page and Photo Album
Merriewold Quintessa
Congratulations Alice Chan!
2014 Chestnut Filly (Dragonfire Kirin x Canequin Reach for the Stars) Bold, Beautiful and ALL Morgan,  Tessa is starting her training and looks to have what it takes as a show or sport horse.  Her dam was in the ribbons in many sport disciplines including:  Eventing, Jumping, Dressage, Driving and Endurance.  Tessa’s sire  holds 5 world championships in Hunter Pleasure and Dressage.  Tessa is a full sister to our Merriewold Quito
Visit Quintessa’s Info Page and Photo Album
Merriewold Mia
Congratulations to Sam Tarentino and West Coast Morgans!
2011 Bay Mare (Rosevale Leggo x ABL Morning Star) Here is what trainer Mallory Mignot says about Mia:Â Â
Looking for THE horse to set yourself apart? Mia might be just what you are looking for!
At only 6 years old, she stands 17 hands. She has incredible work ethic, she is very gentle on the ground and one of the most confident and brave morgan in and out of the show ring that I have trained.
She is a finished hunter pleasure mount with solid dressage foundation and is UNDEFEATED in her first season of showing! With wins at Oklahoma centennial, Big D and Summer Daze Regional where she swept the Ladies division, Mia is light in the bridle, always walks and is started on patterns. Hunter pleasure or Hunt Seat Equitation, She is ready for your amateur or junior rider and has a bright future ahead of her.
Merriewold Ondine
 Congratulations to the Sarai and Lander Brandt!
2012 Buckskin Mare (MEMC Tequila Cuervo x ABL Morning Star) Looking for a buckskin Morgan? This young mare is the complete package: golden color, pretty and feminine, correct conformation and strong pedigree.  In addition she has beautiful markings with a star and 4 white socks.  Dina is now 3 1/2 years old, stands 14.2hh.
According to Jackie Brittain, “Dina is smart and a quick learner, and she has fluid gaits with natural balance and suspension.†  She looks like a solid all around sport and pleasure prospect especially for Western/Cowboy Dressage and Western Pleasure divisions.
Dina is now in training with Julie Corlett  and has been started under saddle.  Here is what Julie says about Dina, “Merriewold Ondine (Dina) is a stunning 4 year old buckskin, with a great disposition, three good gaits and exceptional trainability. Dina shows promise as a dressage prospect as she has good suspension and pushing power. She is light in the bridle and forward to the leg. Brave and sweet, Dina will make a wonderful equine partner!â€
Visit Dina’s Pedigree Page and Photo Album
Merriewold Kasey
Congratulations to the Hill Family!
2008 Chestnut Gelding (RG Stuarts Monarch x Caduceus Marika)
Kasey is now closer to home and in training with Jennifer Wooten at Trinity Eventing. Â He is an experienced Jumping, Eventing and Trail horse. Â Kasey is also nearly 16 hands and an eye catching, get noticed copper penny color.
At Trinity they describe Kasey as a well mannered gentleman, kind, consistent disposition, with a great work ethic and gives 100%. Â He is willing and trainable and ready for his very own adult amateur or junior rider.
Visit Kasey’s Pedigree and Feature Page
Congratulations to Mary-Ann MaloofÂ
Merriewold Legacy
Legacy is currently in training with Alejandro Salazar, they will be debuting at 2nd level this year (2015). As a coming six-year-old Legacy already has 2 years of successful show experience in the open dressage circuit. (See show results on pedigree page, link below) And he is now ready for his very own partner to develop and grow with.
According to Alejandro, Legacy is not only beautiful, but also has very correct and fluid gaits, and is easy to handle, at home, trailering, and at new locations. He is very willing, has natural ability, and a lovely temperament.  Legacy should continue to successfully advance in Dressage while being a wonderful partner and a pleasure to be around!
 2008 Chestnut Mare (RG Stuart’s Monarch x Caduceus Marika) Kona is a lovely six year old mare who is showing talent for Dressage. Kona has three nice rhythmical gaits and is currently schooling shoulder in, haunches in, half pass, counter canter, and can lengthen and shorten her stride in trot and in canter. Her disposition is kind and she has a nice work ethic. Kona would be an ideal dressage partner for an adult amateur or junior rider.
Kona and Julie went to their first show. They competed at Training Level 1 and 2 and earned three scores in the high 60’s!
Visit Kona’s Pedigree Page and Photo/Video Album
Congratulations to the Shute Family
Merriewold Latte, 2009 Black Mare (Gulfwind Sir William x Caduceus Marika) Congratulations to the Shute Family on their purchase of Latte as their Pleasure, Trail and Show horse in training.

Jesse James with Kasey and Melissa Monty 3 Championships, and 2 Res. Champioships, 2013
Merriewold Obi Wan
Congratulations to Lori Kidd on her Purchase of Obi!
Merriewold Obi Wan   2012 Palomino Gelding (MEMC Tequila Cuervo x ABL Morning Star) Obi is a striking sport-show-pleasure prospect. He is a big boy with substantial bone, eye catching color, and a smart and friendly disposition. Purchase now at a reasonable price and start him your way!
Merriewold Jolie
Congratulations to Amy Christensen on her purchase
of Jolie as her Dressage partner!
Jolie will be
Competing at First Level!Â
Visit Jolie’s Pedigree Page and Photo/Video Album
Merriewold Jet Lee
Congratulations to Mindy Smith a local California horse trainer on her purchase of Jet Lee. Â Mindy says she will make an awsome trail horse!
Merriewold Jet LeeÂ
2007 Bay Mare (UVM Springfield x ABL Morning Star) Merriewold Jet Lee has striking Morgan ‘type’, substance and good bone. She is feminine and powerful and just shy of 15 hands at 2 years old. Jet Lee has excellent conformation for Western Pleasure and other ‘sport’ disciplines. By the popular UVM SPRINGFIELD and out of a MCM Eminent daughter, Jet Lee has UVM WATCHMAN top and bottom.
Jet Lee is Big, Bold and Beautiful with a strong pedigree for breeding.
Jet Lee’s Pedigree page and photo album
Merriewold Harmony
2005 Bay Mare (Beethoven x UVM Rarity) Feminine and Fancy, Harmony will get noticed!
She goes well English or Western.  Harmony also has a classic pedigree,
with great individuals such as Noble Flair and UVM Elite in her background.
Congratulations to Meg Paris on her purchase of
Merriewold Harmony
Visit Harmony’s pedigree page and photo album
Merriewold Hanah
2005 Bay Mare (Lyonhil Quasar x Moonset’s Reflection)Big, bold and beautiful, Hanah has the classic look, attitude and conformation for Hunter Pleasure, Jumping and Sport. She is a fancy, extravagant mover and already has a winning show record.  Hanah would love a partner looking for the action and excitement of competing in several show divisions and also enjoying sport and trail.
Hanah wins 3 out of 4 jumping classes at the
Santa barbara Morgan Medallion Regional Show!
Watch for Hanah at GRAND NATIONALS
Visit Hanah’s Pedigree Page and Photo Album
Merriewold Galaxie
Congratulations to Shirley Christian of Ft. Collins, CO on her purchase
of Galaxie as her new Dressage partner!
Merriewold Galaxie   2004 chestnut mare (Iron Forge Starman x Ringbrook Renaissance)Galaxie has scored in the mid sixties at training level and taken home the blue ribbon at at open rated dressage shows. Now in training at Dragonfire with Jennifer McFall, Gal has earned a Regional Championship at the Morgan Medallion and she is also a Grand National winner at Training-3 at Oklahoma.  Galaxie loves to drive and is confident and fun on the trails alone or in a group.  She  has the versatility you are looking for and would love to be your new partner.
Galaxie is the new Merriewold Champion!  Grand National win at T-3, 68.7%
Galaxie’s pedigree page and photo album
Merriewold Josie
Congratulations to Martha Wilson
2007 palomino filly (MEMC Tequila Cuervo x Ringbrook Renaissance) Josie is a lovely palomino filly with a wonderful temperament and extravagant dark spots on her light coat. She will get noticed for her beauty, sweet disposition and her powerful way of going.
Congratulations to Martha Wilson on her purchase of Merriewold Josie
as her new Dressage and jumping partner
Josie’s pedigree page and photo album
Flower of Georgia
Congratulations to Margo Eidson
2004 bay mare (Caduceus Denver x ABL Morning star) Sought after Denver daughter. Georgia has the free movement of her sire and the beauty of her dam. She is sweet and willing and will be the perfect partner for someone interested in western pleasure, competitive trail, dressage and jumping. With her outstanding pedigree she will make a quality broodmare as well.
Georgia made her show debut with Julie Corlett in Santa Barbara. They scored mid 60’s at T-3 and T-4 and received several “8”s! See Georgia’s pedigree page(below) for more info on the show.
SOLD…Congratulations to Margo Eidson on her purchase of Georgia as her new dressage partner!
Georgia’s pedigree page and photo album
Merriewold Fabien
Congratulations to Stacy McLain
2003 brown gelding (Lyonhil Quasar x UVM Rarity) In training with Mark Luis,
a top reining and cow horse trainer. Fabien has that unique ‘Morgan’ beauty, loads of energy and is very smart. He is looking for a special partner that likes a little action and adventure.
Fabien was fantastic at The Santa Barbara Show in his reining debut!
Fabien’s feature page and photo album
Merriewold Diplomat
Congratulations to the Geddeis Family on their purchase of Diplomat! Â Merriewold’s First World Champion!
Visit Diplomat’s Pedigree Page and Photo Album
WNC Rocket Man
Congratulations to Marian Meier
2001 bay gelding (Holiday Compadre x Moonset’s Reflection) Rocket is a big, 15.3 hand, seven year old gelding with Morgan ‘type’ and inquisitive, fun loving personality. Rocket has been shown in Dressage at First Level and is the USEF 2007, “Horse of the Year” Region 7 champion: Morgan Dressage First Level. He is presently training at second level. Past achievements include, “High Score Champion” in his first show at intro level, at the Citrus Cup Regional Show with only three months under saddle. If you enjoy Morgans and Dressage, Rocket is the horse for you.
Congratulations to Marian Meier on her purchase of Rocket as her new dressage and pleasure horse!
Rocket’s feature page and photo album
Ringbrook Renaissance
Congratulations to Nancy and Bruce Nething
1993 liver chestnut mare (Beckridge Domino x Skyhawk Sophisticate) “Crystal” loves being a Mom and passes on her athletic conformation. She is also a talented sport horse with a floating trot and a powerful canter. Crystal is the dam of Merriewold Galaxie(x Iron Forge Starman) and Merriewold Josie(x MEMC Tequila Cuervo). Galaxie is in training with Sally Anderson Grand Prix rider/trainer and has fantastic potential.
Crystal is in foal to MEMC Tequila Cuervo for a 2008 colorful foal.
SOLD—Congrtaulations to Nancy and Bruce Nething on their purchase of Crystal as their first Morgan broodmare!
Crystal’s feature page and photo album
MLF Emotion
Congratulations to Linda Sterling
Emotion is a large elegant mare with a desirable ‘show’ pedigree. She is the dam of Merriewold Elegance and Merriewold Jesse James.
SOLD—Congratulations to Linda Sterling on her purchase on ‘Mo” as her personal riding horse and addition to her brood mare band.
MLF Emotion’s feature page and photo album
Merriewold Elegance
Congratulations to the Pho Family
Visit Ellie’s Pedigree Page and Photo Album
Merriewold Flaire Lady
Congratulations to Bob Hughes